A 6 minute edit in Adobe Lightroom of a colour RAW file processed into monochrome
Processing in mono.
This is a club night with a difference! Join Joe as he discusses the different approaches and thought processes needed to both shoot and post-process your images in black & white. Monochrome has a long and distinguished history in photography, and for good reason!
The session can be run using a selection of Joe’s own images, or, like the Lightroom Live! talk, we can use images from your own members. In this case, your club sends Joe 2 folders of images. One has members’ unprocessed RAW files, the other their processed images.
Joe edits the RAW files using Lightroom & Nik Silver Efex, and shows his own approach to editing the file to club standard, then we compare Joe’s edit with the member’s edit and discuss the differences. This session never fails to entertain, inform and delight, and is the newest addition to Joe’s popular set of club talks.
Here’s a quick 6 minute edit video extracted from one of the talks Joe delivered to the Hibiscus Coast Photographic Society in S. Africa, where he has been a member for several years.
Already booked by &/or delivered to the RPS DIG SE & also the Landscape Group, Bingley CC, Bromley CC, Bury PS, Fleet PG, Formby PG, Kidlington CC, Malling PS, Positive Image CC, Edinburgh PS, Midlands PC, Palmerstown CC, Navan CC, Bingley CC, Gwynfa CC, Hawarden PS and Whitstable PG !
Kilkenny PS - 3rd November 2022
Ellon PG - 3rd Oct 2022
Positive Image CC - April 25th 2022
RPS Landscape Group - 14th Sept 2021
Edinburgh PS - 10th Dec 2020
RPS Landscape Group - 14th Sept 2021
June 1st 2022 - Camversation
Bingley CC - 11th Jan 2021
Kinross CC - July 2020
Oct 2020